Do you have too much stuff? Is it time to let go? Here is an Easy Fix!
Too Much Clothing? The Easy Fix!
Let’s start with clothes. Do you want to take the time to try everything on and decide what to put in the keep-it or let-it-go pile? Do you look in your closet and can’t find anything to wear? How often have you tried something on, taken it off, and worn something else instead? What did you do with the item you put on and took off?
In today’s world, a photo of every event we have attended over the last ten years is on our iPhones. So is the outfit we wore during the wedding, party, or happy hour.
I know this because I saw a photo from over ten years ago and realized the shirt in the photograph is still in my closet. Really? Ten years? Has this happened to you? What did you do? Did you give it to Goodwill, or is it still in your closet?
Do you have these thoughts and experiences but can’t make decisions or can’t let something go? Let me help you!
My Clothing Story
First, here is my story, one of many I could share. I have a dress I paid $239 for, and I have never worn it. I have tried it on so much that I created a tear. There it hangs in my closet. I was going to list it on eBay and Poshmark for $80, but I paid $239, and I can’t let it go.
What should I do?
Make a decision. If you can’t make a decision, my recommendation follows. Get a Sterilite-Box, or two, and put the clothes you do not wear in it and put it out of sight. It can go in the attic, the basement, or wherever you have a space.
You will forget about everything in it. If you don’t forget, is it worth the effort to pull the Steralite box out to retrieve your item?
If you forget, the next time you run across the Sterilite box, put everything in garbage bags and go to Goodwill. Do not look at the items, stuff the garbage bags for Goodwill. Done.
Too Much Furniture? The Fix.
Next is furniture. Ugh.
Does the following sound familiar? I paid so much for that Pottery Barn piece, but there is no room, and it doesn’t go in my freshly painted home.
My story follows. The home we moved from is two times the size of the house we moved back to. Oh, and when settled in the over-furnished home, time to remodel. So what do you think happens? The new look needs new furniture! Aye, aye, aye.
Temporary solution. Storage units. Temporary? Yea Right! Clark Howard would be so disappointed if he knew what was in our storage units. Storage Wars would do a TV Special for access to our storage units.
The kids will want it. Yea Right! They don’t want our crap.
Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, Craig’s List, etc., if you need the cash to make you feel better, choose these routes. Trust me, eventually, you will be heading to Goodwill, and they may not want your stuff!
Ask yourself. Why am I hanging on to the extra furniture in storage? Let me help with the answers.
Are you saving it for your children? They don’t want it.
Do you want to sell it and make money? You are already losing more money by paying for storage. If your furniture is in storage and out of sight, you will never sell it. Donate it to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or No Longer Bound.
Is there a new house in your future? Will you want your old stuff in the new home? Unload it before the move.
You must have a reason for holding onto the furniture.
Start today. Be in the mood. Be gone, stuff!
The $239 Fish Dress
I bought this dress because I was talked into it by the salesperson. The only issue for me is the V-Neck. The neckline is not as flattering on me as I had hoped.
I loved the dress because of the length, and the salesperson talked me into purchasing it. My fault. 😡
My daughters ruined it for me because they said it reminded them of their stuffed toy fish. The stuffed fish had the same colors, the body was royal blue, and the fins were yellow. Now the dress is known as The Fish Dress.
Thanks, girls.
$239 down the drain. Isn’t that exactly what happens to the fish in bowls that don’t make it?
The Fish Dress
Guess what? The fish dress incident is so funny I have to keep the dress!🙄 I will save it for a special occasion when both girls are home, probably Halloween.
When it comes to letting go, there are options. You can do the Marie Kondo method and many others. Find what suits you and makes you take action.
If I can convince you, and me, of one thing, think about the following, it is just stuff.
Everybody has a clothing item like that. Mine is the reverse, I have a dress I really like and I tend to wear it to all important occasions. I call it my “wedding dress”. Need to change it up.
Liddieon August 9, 2023 at 9:41 am
You don’t need to change anything up if you love your dress. I have about 5 of those, tee hee. Because the dresses are a solid color, no one remembers them. Do not discard what you love!
Everybody has a clothing item like that. Mine is the reverse, I have a dress I really like and I tend to wear it to all important occasions. I call it my “wedding dress”. Need to change it up.
You don’t need to change anything up if you love your dress. I have about 5 of those, tee hee. Because the dresses are a solid color, no one remembers them. Do not discard what you love!