The Inspiration for our Guest / Girl’s / Secondary Bathroom Remodel

Where It All Began…
The Inspiration Board

The inspiration for our Guest/Girl’s/Secondary Bathroom Remodel came from a Pinterest find!

I fell in love with the image of the Pinterest bathroom shown above. The bonus is it is the exact same layout/footprint as the bathroom we are remodeling. My obsession begins! I love the niche tile, and this became the inspiration for this secondary bathroom. Now I need to find the niche tile. Not an easy find. Ugh!
Obsession Begins
Not easy, yet after my dig, dig, digging, I was able to locate the tile. Naturally, very expensive and only 11 square feet left in stock, so I had to pull the trigger and make the not so economical purchase. However, I am glad I did because I could not stop thinking about this Pinterest inspired bathroom.
Because of the expense, I decided on 2 square feet for the niche. After months of searching and waiting for an available tile person, I revised my idea for the pricey tile. I made the decision to use the tile as an accent window on the wall instead of a niche.
The image below is an example of an Accent Tile Window.

Accent Window Tile Inspiration
The tile is gorgeous. Did I mention it was a few extra dollars? As a result, I did not want product bottles covering the tile or making it look sloppy and unable to see it. So, I put the niche on the wall directly across from the plumbing fixtures. In addition, I wanted a niche to rest your foot while shaving your legs.
This bathroom will also be a guest bath for visitors. Two upstairs bedrooms will share this bath, so it needs versatility and beauty.
I figured out the towel flow and decor for this bathroom. In a nutshell, while our girls are home, it will have functionality. When guests are here, it will transform to that pretty minimalist feel.
The Before Bathroom
What comes to mind?

Bathroom remodel Below. YAY!

Paint Color: Krypton from Sherwin Williams
Not being a professional photographer, I included all the images with different exposures and brightness. I tried to capture the glow of this bathroom because there is no natural light to get the actual blue color.🙄
We do not have a linen closet upstairs, so my new internet searches will include creative ways to hide cleaning products & extra towels. Not fun.
Vanity from Wayfair
I have had enormous success with Wayfair. In a day and age when we crave excellent customer service, Wayfair is amazing. The stand-alone-vanity shown below arrived damaged. Our plumber was scheduled for installation the next day, and we had to scramble. Wayfair credited us 100% for the damaged product. We quickly had it repaired, and it was ready for the plumber. I won’t point out the flaws, but I do love it. I chose this Vanity for the thick, mitered edge and veining that blends blue with our wall paint color.
The Vanity may not be available anymore, but I linked to a similar one here. I changed out the knobs that came with the Vanity and added mother-of-pearl knobs from Anthropologie.

Backorder can be a Good Thing. Huh?
I only paid attention to the color and style of the Vanity I ordered from Wayfair. I failed to notice the single hole for the faucet installation. Oops! I had already ordered the Brizo Faucet, which was a widespread unit. I got lucky because the faucet product I had special-ordered was on backorder and had not shipped. As a result, I swapped out the widespread handle kit for a single-handle faucet. Whew.
The Floor Tile
Floor Tile is 12×20 with Blue Veining. I love this tile because it has multiple colors throughout. I can change the paint color in this bathroom, and the tile floor color offers many options.

Edits to Accessories
I changed the position of the toilet tissue holder due to limited space. I went vertical. Read on for the explanation.

After remodeling the Guest Bathroom on the main floor, I learned a valuable idea. Follow my Raptor Experience. Clever Girl.
The image above shows the glass door placement on the tile curb. I had the glass installers move the glass as far out as possible to provide additional space in the shower. The Guest Bathroom on the main floor has the glass on the center of the tile curb, so the shower area is narrower. It makes a difference.
Mirror Magic

One of my favorite edits is to the mirror. I had the mirror installers cut the mirror to go to the ceiling, and I love it. I have done this with all of the sheet mirrors in my bathrooms. It makes the room appear much larger, which is a must for this small bathroom.
The Glass Installers measured the light fixture opening and cut a hole in the mirror to accommodate it. Light Fixture can be found here.
During installation, our contractors pointed out that the mirror may need to be installed before the sink faucet. The mirror goes to the ceiling from the top of the backsplash and if the faucet was too tall, the mirror installation may not have been possible. Once measured, they realized it would be okay for the faucet to be installed because it was not much taller than the backsplash.
In the Master Bathroom, the mirrors needed to be installed before the faucets because the faucets were too tall.
The Tile ~ The Inspiration for our Guest/Girls/Secondary Bathroom Remodel

The tile that inspired this bathroom is Thassos Mosaic Estrella Grande Azul, shown above. This tile is what inspired our Guest/Girls/Secondary Bathroom Remodel.
I did my best to capture the actual color, but it is hard to show the hue. The colors are blue, gray and white.
Decorating a Small Bathroom

The decor for this bathroom in the above picture is for when our girls are home. It is there because it holds all of their stuff, which is a lot.
The initial intention in this bathroom was to eliminate the tower behind the toilet when guests bunk with us. However, when we recently had a houseful, we needed the rack for the toiletries.
Our daughter is working on a Canvas Painting I plan to hang to the left of the mirror, so check back for the minimalist makeover. Or, I should say the Photogenic makeover.
Select the link below for Guest / Secondary / Girl’s Bathroom Reveal!
Select the link below if you want to see the images during the remodel process.