The cool

How cool is it when someone says you’re cool. Pretty cool.

The other night I went out with some youngins'...30 year olds. I had a blast. They are acquaintances at a place I frequent and then my best bud decided to plan a happy hour with these two young women and it was a riot.

I saw them again the next day, after the margarita-getting to know you better-evening and they both said to me they thought I was so cool. Absolutely made my day. Why did they think I was cool? Because I drink beer. Hilarious.

The only reason I have ever thought I was cool is because I know a couple famous people. This is very unusual given my starstruck-ness when I run into famous people. I literally clam up and avoid them because my mouth gets me in trouble. Embarrassing reminders here & here.

The reason I know these famous people is not because of anything I did to meet them. One of these stars I’ve known since a very young age. The other is the parent of one of my best buds from college. All very cool.

Even cooler…I just read an article about the famous person I’ve known since we were young. I always knew she would make it and be famous. An absolute go-getter, gorgeous, spunk of a woman. After reading her article, I cannot believe how alike we are, sans the fame for me. She is a runner and she journals. She states these are the two things that help her every day to manage her stress. My two exact therapies. How cool am I?

Some of it may have to do with how we grew up in very similar households, in the same part of the country. Our mothers are still great friends and they are in their 80’s. Our moms are beyond the best in everything they do. The two of us love, adore and respect our Mom’s to the outer galaxy and back. Actually, our moms are the coolest.

The parent of my college bud, very famous. Funny story, I was at an event with this very famous dad and there were other famous people in the same industry around us but not nearly as famous as my bud’s dad. I was literally telling this very famous dad about all the cool famous people I was meeting at this event and how starstruck I was to meet them. How embarrassing…telling the most famous of all about all the semi-famous people I met and how cool I thought it was, oh my goodness I am so not cool.

Circle back to the young women who think I’m cool. What a breath of fresh air. How great is it they shared that with me? Point being, if you think something awesome about someone, share it. Chances are you will make their day! Everyone needs a pick-me-up now and then and there is something special about an unexpected compliment that puts a skip in your step.

Side note: Opposite of a compliment, yikes. I had a stranger walk up to me and tell me I needed Botox. Hmmm. How are we supposed to take a jab? I was rattled. But guess what? I really needed Botox.

So, this stranger insults me but she did me a favor. I looked horrible the weekend of this stranger encounter. On a girl’s trip, no sleep, a few beers, out in the winter sun, not good, I really was kind of nasty. As a result, I looked in the mirror, took action and now I hope I look better.

I continue to work on criticism. Who really likes it? No one. Constructive criticism can be the best thing going. I’ll tell you what, some of the best constructive criticism I’ve ever received stung like a bee but has been the most enlightening and I have never forgotten it.

One example happened during my first job. I worked as an inside sales rep and the CEO walked by my desk, heard me on the phone with a customer and decided to share his thoughts about my conversation. He came back to my desk, handed me a post it note with these words on, um, you know. These were the three words or phrases I needed to eliminate in any and all verbiage moving forward. Brilliant. Didn’t sting so much coming from the CEO and he is a GA Tech 'Yellow Jacket' grad, ha ha.

He was right. I am still working on eliminating these words or phrases. Now, my biggest challenge is teaching our daughters to eliminate them. Oh my goodness, the word like is like the new four letter like word in like the English language.

Not cool.

This is one of those journal entries I created because I didn't want to forget it. I remember all the negative embarrassing events in my lifetime but often forget the good stuff.

Pretty cool someone thought I was cool.