Critters and Creepers

I am a runner, a quick recap for those who may be new.
I run everyday because I can walk out the door and finish in 30 minutes. I can run anywhere while traveling. I typically run on treadmills at the hotel or research a safe route.
We have some repeat destinations loved by our children, so I have found some great street routes which allows me to be outside. I prefer these because I depise the treadmill.
One Florida destination includes a popular path filled with people. I traverse two beautiful bridges over aqua blue water with a great breeze, and this is my favorite run. Spectacular.
The running venue at our New England destination includes a nature preserve on either side of the road, two small bridges over lake nooks, and over half of the run is along the lake. My wheelhouse, given the lake lover that I am. Sometimes I watch the water skiers practicing for shows to include fifties style pyramids of 15+ participants.
Are you imaging Norman Rockwell? If not, that is okay, given the title of this passage.
We just returned from this New England trip. I have benn vacationing there since I was a baby. We introduced our children to this majestic rustic retreat, and they are crazy about it. For 18+ years, we have gone back with our kids, and that is about how long I have run my route.
In my world with two daughters, I am constantly on the girls about being aware of their surroundings. It has become more of a mission now that the older daughter is in college. While I am authoring this, daughter #2 begins applying to colleges next month.😫 My future Post about the college application process will make your head spin. Squirrel.
Day #1, I am running on a sunny 75 degree morning, enjoying my run, and I notice something like a statue. I was on my return pass, and did not remember it from earlier during the run. I immediately ejected from the mind therapy session I typically lose myself in during my run. I realize at this moment to pay attention to this new object about 30 yards away on the other side of the bridge.
A big ass black bear. It stopped me dead in my tracks, and I said out-loud to myself, no, no, no, what do I do? One thing I instinctively knew I was not going to do was run. He stared at me, and of course I felt like an appetizer. I chose to keep my eyes on him and wait for a car to pass. The bear literally sat down and looked like one of those cute wooden sculptures they sell on the side of the road. He was the size of my Uncles Mini Cooper. Big. Huge. Not cute.
Within minutes, I heard a car heading my way, and while keeping my eyes on the bear, I waved at the car to stop. It was an old car that I would describe as one like the GA Tech Ramblin’ Wreck vehicle.
Please know how much it pains me to mention GA Tech. Being a UGA Bulldog, I do not want to raise awareness of a top rival. However, I have quite the history with GA Tech in every aspect of my life, so it continues to rear its head. Oh well. Squirrel #2.
The driver stopped and said, you don't see that everyday. So my new best friend Brian and his four year old son Joe stopped to help the damsel in distress. The bear decided to cross the road, and proceed to the wildlife refuge area, though not too terribly fast. I looked at my friends and asked if I could ride on the runner boards for about a quarter of a mile to remove myself from my place on that food chain.
While riding, Brian said the bears typically eat leaves and berries. Well! I was wearing my UGA red Bulldog tank top, and I looked like a berry.
I made it safely. Now, Brian, little Joe and I have a great story.
Day #2, I promise, THE next day. Same run, only difference is this time, I had my phone with me, not to take pics or video but to call my husband for critter encounters.
Not critters this time but a Creeper! Another sunny weekend day enjoying my run until this car passed, an older yucky version of the exact vehicle my college age daughter drives. Naturally, there is a very sketchy man driving the car. Flag in brain gets raised with heightened awareness. No big, right?
Wrong. Creepy Dude had pulled over to the side of the road on the woodsy part of my run, a strange place to pull over. So my yellow-beach flag turned double red with black and white box inside-beach flag. Warning Will Rogers, danger!
Dang! I immediately called husband because he & college age daughter had just dropped me off at my trail. He knew something was up & offered to turn around to get me. I kept running and spoke loudly to my husband so creep could hear because his window was down. Creeper passed by me, pulled into a park, and I kept an eye on him. Weird Dude!
I made it safely again, but had a bad feeling about this guy. My husband and daughter picked me up, and we took a couple passes to see if he showed up anywhere, but he was gone.
Trying to use it as a teaching moment for my daughter because she is also a runner, I wanted to hone in on how careful and aware one must be at all times. Of course her reaction was as follows; great, I drive the same kind of car as nasty, creepy pedophile looking people. Really, that is her take away?Â
To wrap up my Critters and Creepers story, simply sharing the importance of being aware of your surroundings at all times. With two teenage daughters, the paranoid factor is off the charts.
My husband bought me some pepper spray to run with now. Honestly, the Creeper scares me more than the Black Bear Critter. Here is a link for what to do if you see black bear.
Quick tip, raise your arms & wave your hands to look bigger than you are and yell at the bear.
Do not run!
Well, maybe if he charges and you are not alone, you need to be faster than the next guy! I could have outrun the Creeper; he was a smoker.