Just for fun.

Excerpts from my journal entries over the years. My opinions as they relate to me. My experiences. My take-aways. Updates. Changes of mind and so on.

I am still editing these writings so they are grammatically raw, as is the content. 😮

Simply be entertained...

Critters and Creepers

I am a runner. Quick recap for those who may be new...

Being Gary Vaynerchuk

Dear Under Achiever…

You did not get at least a 1580 on your SAT, or at least a 32 on your ACT...

Do Not Diet Like Me

It's my husband's fault. He loves to grocery shop and brings home the forbidden.

And then Mr. High Metabloism says I need better will power...

An Epic Stomach Punch

Have you ever been punched in the stomach?

I haven’t, until recently...

A Beer Drinker Goes to Napa

I am on my way to Napa Valley when I have my epiphany.  I know what you are thinking…

Note Writing Helped Me Become a Writer

Let me explain this writer thing.

When I talk, I get into trouble...

I lied

I wanted a do-over and I got one. 

I got the do-over and I got to go.

SEC Champ Game 12.4.2021

Here I sit at 5:53 am Monday morning December 6. I nursed my Alabama hangover all day yesterday...

My Love Affair with France

Magical. Wow.

So much so, I have had to divide this Post into many sections...


Mont St Michele...

Honfleur-Part Deux...Paris...Chambord...


A West Point Grad and a Yuppie Walk Into a Bar

We found ourselves at Pepperoni's, a local bar and pizza joint...

My Obsession with Beautiful Women

So weird, right?

It's a little embarrassing...

Me...Cool Points?!?

How cool is it when someone says you’re ‘cool’?

Pretty cool...

The Million Miler Club

I am talking about cars...

My Three Favorite Beers

Tropicalia. Brewed in Athens, GA by Creature Comforts. When I want a cold beer that tastes great, this is my go-to.If I have 3 in a row, trouble...

Doing The Right Thing

How come it seems really difficult to do the right thing...?

The Peloton Conversion

I have a HUGE confession to make.

For those of you who know me or have read the About page on the Lake and Lime website, there has been a massive change in my lifestyle...