Meet Lake Lanier & Liddie. Lake Lanier, located in the great state of Georgia, over 40 years of great times!

Meet Liddie: when life gets complicated, this is my sanctuary, my go-to, my little sliver of land on Lake Lanier.
I love this quote from a famous movie,


" is the only thing in the world worth workin' for, worth fightin' for, worth dyin' for because it's the only thing that lasts."

Lake and Lime is a fun side hustle!

So why the side hustle?

Two Reasons,

One, while remodeling our lake house, my focus became redesigning our home.

I had taken a semi-hiatus from our business to get the house remodeled, configured, and completed.

We are counting on this being our forever home, so I had to get it right because my husband will not give me a do-over.

As a result, the hours spent on Pinterest, Houzz, Home Bunch, etc., doing research are endless.
The decision to document the remodel has been challenging and fun.

I appreciated all the pinners sharing their experiences, so I want to return the favor.

Two, our business also needs a remodel, so we are changing the business model to make it scale.

Redesign for the business works similarly to our home redesign.

Instead of those fun sites looking at images of homes, my research is IT, information technology.

I have had to master more than four platforms including, WordPress, to build this site.

 Project Lake and Lime became my self-taught way to master these programs.

The platforms are an everyday kind of thing, and I need to be good at them.

The Business

Our business to date has been all word of mouth, presenting in person, group huddles, and one-on-one coaching.

We need to scale to keep up with the demand.

The online redirect and course creation will allow us to get our content out there while continuing to update and enhance the material.

My new endeavor, IT.

The website for the business will be getting a makeover soon. The before and after progress is similar to a home remodel.

 Our current PIVIT U website is here, and I will share the new and improved update coming soon.

Using the Lake and Lime site has allowed me to have fun learning the platforms. I am a bit of a nerd-techie, yet I don't think anyone I know would describe me that way. I am more of a social animal with a sales heritage, selling copiers and medical devices, but I love learning the platforms, frustrations, and all.

See below for the quick meet and greet. Beyond that, visit the Off-Topic portion of this website. I have journaled throughout my lifetime. I share excerpts from some of it here. Please be gentle.

Quick Meet & Greet

Side notes about me: Family of six, including me, my husband, two boys, and two girls. A UGA Bulldog my entire life, especially now with a sophomore and senior at UGA. Run every day. Love beer. I Love beer, and this is why I run every day.

Me, every day
I want a do over...
Go Dawgs!
The Family
The Family, Really

Stay tuned to Lake and Lime as this journey continues. Along the way, together we can share our experiences and learn from each other.

Positivity and laughing at the blunders and embarrassments is a great way to handle life's curve balls. Learn from me as I open up about my very imperfect life. Doh!