I have a Huge Confession to make.

I have a HUGE confession. For those of you who know me or have read the About page on the Lake and Lime website, there has been a massive change in my lifestyle.
Due to the wearing down of my knees, specifically my meniscus, meniscuses, meniscal or meniscai 😂 pain, I have had to give up running 😮 for a little while, not fun. As a result of almost losing my mind, I incorporated a new routine. I received a Peloton for Christmas and I am obsessed. I love this apparatus.

My Confession & My Options
It was biking or swimming and I have not put my head under water since I finished swim team & AAU swimming at 15 years old. A Navy Seal, I am not.
I love lakes, oceans, and pools, but they are for dipping in and cooling off, not exercise or competition. Just sayin’.
The Peloton
Enter the Peloton and its App content, Hello!?! Where have I been? Oh, on the road.
What do I miss about running? I miss the everyday fresh air and the elements, but that is what walking my dog offers now. Waving to my neighbors daily is something I miss. Seeing the deer in their natural habitat does not happen as often.
The things I don’t miss are the cold, windy, wet days. In the summer, I won’t miss the 90+ degree heat. The hills are something I don’t miss. Cars that almost run me over are not missed. Dark mornings can be scary so I don’t miss those. Trying to thread the run between storms is not something I like to do.
Being a runner my entire life and facing minor injuries that kept me off the road, I panicked. I can’t sweat, I can’t get my mental therapy, I am going to be huge, and I have to stop drinking beer.
I ran into my Orthopaedic Surgeon at the GA v Fla game and he said you and your sister need to stop running and start swimming 🤢 or biking. Biking?!?!?!? Can you imagine riding a bike in Atlanta? Never! Suicide Mission.
Two of my best friends have been raving about the Peloton for years. Not interested. Ignorance is what I would call it. I have my thing, they have their thing. My arm workout is P90X. Bawahahaha! I laugh because P90X seems archaic now.
Yes, my routine is to run 3+ miles a day and do P90X arms & shoulders & ab ripper every other day.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
Understood, the Peloton became a thing during COVID-19. Let me tell you, if you are a runner, and you experience an injury, this is the greatest in-between exercise ever.
The Peloton alternative is a thing.
I ride for a minimum of an hour, add a 5-minute stretch, and do 2 ~ 10-minute Arms & Light Weights. Boom! Done. I feel great after a Peloton workout. Below are my favorites to ride with every week.
Peloton Favorite Instructors

The App offers many classes of many types. The number one addition to my workout is the stretch. When running, I never stretch, but I stretch after every ride. 🤔
I will get back to running. While traveling, I did a run on a treadmill and it was amazing. I felt fantastic and ran about 6 miles because I felt so good. The next day I did not feel so good. Both of my knees hurt, dang it. Note to self, do not return prematurely or you will pay the price. Ugh.
I love the Peloton, and I love the App. The Peloton offers thousands of options when it comes to working out. I cannot wait to run, jog, and walk using the Peloton App Classes. Off the charts amazing.
So, as a lifetime runner, I am happy to admit, that I am a Peloton Convert. Once I am healed completely and can get back to the streets, I will still use the Peloton.
LidtheKid is my Peloton name if you want to be friends on the Peloton platform.
I write this Blog Post as a confession since the Lake and Lime Website focuses on my running addiction. Sometimes life throws you curveballs and you have to adapt. What an amazing world we live in that technology offers countless ways to do everything from exercising to cooking to traveling to you name it.
Running remains my love (I think), but I do love this Peloton. Running will always be a thing for me, especially if the power goes out. 😮