The Drywall Nightmare. So close, but so far.

The Drywall Nightmare. So close, but so far.
Let’s be clear it will never end. We need to pick our happiness threshold and go with it. My comic relief during the remodel has been the master closet. The good news, the installation date has come and gone. The Master Closet is almost complete.
Naturally, a chip appeared in one of the mirrored doors. As a result, it delayed the completed installation date. Also, the jewelry tray was on backorder. And so it continues.
However, PROGRESS is the word I say every day. Our house is in complete disarray, but the progress makes me happy.
The Drywall Nightmare
My husband is doing all the drywall patching, sanding, and painting. Not fun. So not fun he was relieved when my dad called him to help fix his dock that had come loose. I thought dock repair and re-positioning on Lake Lanier was the worst job until my husband said it was a welcome break from the drywall repair. Huh?
The drywall patching on the list, still:
- Dining light fixture hole
- Basement light fixture hole
- Four outlet holes in the master bathroom
- Master bathroom fan hole
- Closet light fixture hole
- Ceiling repair hole from old bathroom wall
- Sidewall repair hole from old half-wall
- Entire new wall of sheetrock with seams etc.
Ceiling Drywall Repairs
The new dining chandelier installation required repair shown below.
The light that needed centering over the pool table in the basement has been a long time coming. We built the house before we inherited the pool table. Builders center the lights in rooms when constructing homes.
After the two-ton pool table arrived and was placed with its slate slabs, the light was off-center. The pool table will never move, so the light centering has been on the to-do list for a while. Ha.
Above the toilet, a new light/fan fixture install needed drywall repair.
New ceiling lights in the closet replaced the single fluorescent light fixture. The new layout for the can-less lights required drywall repair.
I forgot to mention the image below of the ceiling just above the stairwell also needs repair. Of course, the repair creeps into the main two-story great room, so we may need to rent scaffolding.
We can categorize this as an oopsie during the remodel. My husband was in the attic, ahead of electrical work, pulling up all the plywood he had put down when he accidentally cracked the ceiling from a misstep. The poor guy, it’s just a thing. Nothing is easy.
Electrical Drywall Repair
Removal of Walls Require Drywall Repair
I don’t know what is involved with drywall repair. However, yesterday I watched my husband go up and down the stairs 100+ times. He cut pieces of wood and drywall to fill the holes. The process is all pre-spackle, pre-sand, and pre-paint. Labor intensive. Yuk.
As I sit in my cloud of dust from the sanding projects, I can’t do anything but be appreciative. The progress alone is brilliant. I am grateful.
As seen from the surrounding content in the images above, a lot has been done and completed. The tile in both the upstairs bathrooms is complete, and I love it.
When the installers saw me cleaning the tile, they were shocked. The lead contractor thought the apprentices did not do their job cleaning up. I had to explain about the drywall repair. The completed drywall project was after the tile installation, and the sand & dust were out of control. Our tile installers had left our bathrooms spotless…pre-drywall repair.
Our master closet system is installed and amazing! The light fixtures are hung and centered. The anticipation of the finished product can be overwhelming, patience, grasshopper. Again, progress.
All of the above comes with living through the remodel. Some people asked, why not do it before the move? I had someone ask me that once, and to put it bluntly, I don’t exactly have her pocket-book. Let’s get the other house sold and closed because we don’t want debt.
The Budget
We are students of Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard. A++ students. And maybe that answers some questions about why the husband is doing all the drywall.
So, I wait patiently and appreciatively. My husband can do everything. The man can fill a day from sun up to sun down. There is not a minute that goes by that he is not productive. I find it a bit intimidating at times, but it’s okay. No one can outwork him.
Thanks to Youtube, he now thinks he can do brain surgery.
Final thoughts on patience, we can take the basement light centering over the pool table. That only took 25 years.
Click the link below to see the newly repositioned Dining Room Chandelier.
Click the link below to subscribe for updates. Newly renovated bathrooms coming soon!
What a nightmare. I applaud Jimmy’s talent and work ethic and your patience.
Jimmy is the master at everything, he can do it all! I realized, our life is a patchwork, which means there is never a dull moment and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂