Doing the Right Thing

Why is it at times, it seems difficult to do the right thing? Nine times out of ten, doing the right thing is the more difficult choice, it takes more effort and will be a lot less fun. It may be swallowing your pride, sucking it up and toughing it out while going through the grueling motions of doing what is right.

A lot of times, it is not what you want to do. It is what you should do. Typically, it is for someone else and it has nothing to do with you. It may be doing something for someone you don’t have that much affection for or maybe just don’t like. Or, you really like them and you know you need to help them out but boy the timing couldn’t be worse. You do not want to interrupt your valuable time for something you don’t have to do. You can make it up to them some other way that will be much better when it is more convenient for you. Wrong.

We as human beings fight this a lot.  We are just not in the mood. Well, I am here to tell you, if you do take a minute out of your busy life to do the right thing, you will feel better. Most times, it will also make someone else feel better, like them or not. Or, in some cases you may not even know them. And those people you don’t know may take the time to do the right thing and let you know how much it meant to them. Am I making sense?

If you have never had the experience just mentioned, it is okay. I have had one and it influenced me for life. It had such an impact on me, it is one of the reasons I began writing.

The message is very simple. Do the right thing. You know what it is the majority of the time. Do not allow your fore-conscious to talk you out of doing the right thing. Listen to the subconscious. That nagging voice in your head saying…take time and do this inconvenient task.

Clear your mind, check the box, get it done and move on with your life. It will be freeing for you and will probably encourage or help someone else. Do not hang expectations on your gesture. Practice being anonymous. Meaning, when you do the right thing, do it for your own soul. Never expect anything in return. You are the one who lays your head on your own pillow at night. Be the person who sleeps well.


Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won.

I could go on about this but if you are reading this, you get it.