Basement~Terrace Level Bathroom

It may say the basement bathroom renovation is Coming Soon, but I don't think this will happen anytime soon. Oops.

Please click link below for all of my brilliant ideas, 2025 maybe? 2035? 2045?

Avocado appliance color may be back in style when this basement bathroom renovation happens. Do I need to look for accessories that blend in with the avocado green?

All joking aside, this is where I reinforce the patience factor. We all can continue to dream, and it is a good thing. Not all of us have a budget to complete all the projects on our list. It is okay. Live in the moment.

My desire to update our basement bathroom is to make our guests comfortable. Because this basement bathroom renovation is way down the road, I will do my best to make it as comfortable as possible now. There are always methods to refresh a space without completely renovating the space.

Please visit my Secondary Bathrooms Inspo Images on Pinterest by selecting the link above.

Meanwhile, below is a very NOT flattering image of our basement bathroom...this also served as our kitchen sink during the kitchen remodel. Good times.

To see the details from our Main Floor Guest Bathroom Remodel, Click the Link below.

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