Our home is on Lake Lanier in the great state of Georgia and my favorite beverage...

The Remodel

This site was born when our youngest left for college. We made the permanent move to our house on Lake Lanier, GA. The lake house needed some serious updating, and we knew it would be no small task. One, several big-ticket rooms were outdated. Two, we had a lot of stuff stashed in both homes, and three, we had to live through it.

Cue the Brews!

The Idea

Downsizing from one fully furnished home to a smaller, fully furnished home required some serious organizing. Tetris became a part of our everyday language. Always the photographer and nest builder, I decided to document the move and redesign in hopes of helping others.

There has been a lot to do, so instead of dreading it, I decided to have some fun. Forever home, here we come!
Here I share with anyone interested; my mistakes, my wins, my favorites, and everything else. My design philosophy is simple: create a home you love and watch it become a revolving door for friends and family. Hoping you find some nuggets here that you can use in making your home, wherever it is, a place you love when you walk in the door.

The Planning

The internet is your friend. Google, Pinterest, Instagram, HomeBunch, and Houzz, the options are endless, and you can search for anything. Dig, dig, dig. Some of my best finds come because I am obsessed with something I saw. I researched it online until I found the exact item.

But sometimes, I find an item and a massive price tag. The good news is I found it and the bad news, expensive. But there is a solution for everything. I use the internet to find ways to incorporate my expensive taste using my beer budget.

The Finds

Two of my favorite finds for the lake house include the wallpaper in our master bedroom and the accent tile in the girl's bathroom. Because these items were pricey, I had to edit my selections. So I chose to wallpaper only one wall in our master bedroom. I created a small accent tile window in the bathroom.

See how I made it work, Wallpaper and Tile.

Thanks for taking a look! These are just a few ideas to get you started. Hoping along the way, you'll continue to visit the happenings here at Lake and Lime.