My obsession with beautiful women?
My obsession with beautiful women…so weird, right? It’s a little embarrassing and definitely gets me into trouble, ugh, read on for yet another most embarrassing moment.
Let’s go back a few years for perspective. While growing up, it seemed as if beautiful women were everywhere. TV & magazines were the primary media outlets because we had no internet or social media so it was all propaganda presented with beautiful people, mostly beautiful women. Except for Tiger Beat which had Scott Baio and Willie Ames, my teen crushes.
Magazines featured gorgeous women from all over the world. Women from other countries are masterfully unique with their bone structure and long gorgeous bodies, I mean, Heidi Klum? Really? Now I have to watch her every summer on AGT and she’s my age…how do we live with ourselves? But, I just can’t look away, dadgum, the woman is gorgeous.
Closer To Home
Cindy Crawford…smoke show as my kids would say, and again, my age, ugh. Have you seen her daughter, whoa, how do they let her out of the house? I can’t even begin to talk about Cindy Crawford as if modeling was her only option...scholarship to Northwestern for chemical engineering, come on!
And yet another, Brooke Shields, can you say Blue Lagoon & who didn't buy a pair of Calvin Kleins back in the day? Did I mention she was accepted to Princeton?
Christie Brinkley, perfect. I could not wait for the SI Swimsuit model edition to come out every year. The images of the models were as stunning as the locations where the pictures were taken.
My all-time favorite, Elle McPherson. She is scary, naturally beautiful and has that Australian accent, again, come on!
Have you ever walked into a Victoria Secret store? Hello? Last time I was there, I think I watched the runway show for over an hour, marveling at these gorgeous women.
Ugh. Embarrassing Moment Revealed.
I don’t really understand myself when it comes to this obsession. I just say wow and good for them. This leads me to my embarrassments.
On occasion, when I see beautiful women, I have been known to tell them I think they are gorgeous. When I say this to strangers…it can get uncomfortable. Boy did it get uncomfortable at a Brave’s game in nineteen-ninety something.
I walked up to a woman, total stranger, to tell her how gorgeous I thought she was and she got very angry and may have thrown a beer on me, actually, she did throw a beer on me. Maybe it was my delivery but clearly I over-stepped. I get myself into trouble a lot when I talk…sometimes it just doesn’t come out right and I just keep digging a deeper hole. Explanation here.
Why Share This?
Beautiful women, it’s just a thing for which I have always been fascinated. I know this is so strange, just sharing my embarrassing obsession.
Maybe it’s for inner peace to be happy for the beautiful people. Honestly, Instagram & all social media platforms have made everyone a supermodel, except for me, naturally. Specifically for two reasons. #1. I don’t want to spend time editing the photos of me. #2. I don’t want to take the time necessary to make myself up. Mascara and shimmer powder alone take too much time.😮
I am not a fan of getting ready to go out. I try to be showered, dressed and made up in 30 minutes or less. As a result, I never really look any different and the pictures of me are always...not great.
My husband always says I look great. He does not like a lot of makeup and hates lipstick. He is all about the natural, thank goodness because of the lack of effort from me in this department...usually in my running duds, wearing a baseball hat.
Simply sharing a goofy thing about me. I thought about it on my run the other day and decided to share it with the world. Why? No idea.
The Gifted
I guess I look at these gorgeous women and their gift of natural beauty the same way I look at gifted athletes or people with gifted intelligence. Maybe the recognition of their beauty is so immediate and obvious, I feel like I have to let them know I noticed. Weird. And sometimes not a good idea, oops.
Fast forward to today and all of the women in my life are beyond beautiful. I know them like sisters and I appreciate every ounce of their being. Looks are not even a factor in friendship yet I will tell them when they look beautiful. And, they will tell me when I need Botox.
Heidi, Cindy, Brooke, Christie & Elle…they are in a class by themselves. They have become the definition of staying power because they are still that gorgeous.
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